Refund & Return Policies

Refund Policy

If the client or lessee prefers, all refunds will be conducted through online transfer or cash receipt. No same-day cash or payment will be accepted, and refunds will be granted if a product is returned in excellent functioning condition within 5 business days.

Only the deposit amount or any related cases of rental order non-fulfillment will be eligible for refunds.

If any damage is done to the rented goods, the tenant reserves the right to take a specified amount out of the security deposit.

Return Policy

The customer/lessee must pay the rent in advance or while returning the leased item. The rental duration may be extended strictly based on the availability of the items and services, and extension period fees may vary depending on the products rented.

It is certified by the client/lessee. After the original rental time, as specified by the customer or lessee, rented equipment (such as a laptop, computer, or other items), will be returned to the lessor (TENANT).